Winter Mornings.

Brisk, cold, winter mornings awaken things in me that I forget are there. Feelings of suffocating, drowning; needing to break free.

No need to hit rock bottom to pick myself up again. Even if that means breaking from the chains I am comfortably wrapped in. Making me feel as though I have some things together, yet my brain is screaming to let me free.

What is comfort if not just a physical state?

Lets stop living comfortably, lets end mediocrity.

Year of the Pig

February 5th, 2019. The start of the brand new Chinese New Year, the Year of the Pig. For some of us born in 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971 and so on, it is OUR year. Although I am not usually a follower of the Chinese Zodiac, there was some curiosity in knowing whats in store for “pigs” this year.

First off, I thought that it being “OUR” year meant great fortune would come our way, although it is quite the opposite. It is said that this will be an unlucky year for the “pigs” and there will be lots of run ins with trouble.

Of course its all about perspective, and I am sure, like me, many of you did not make New Years Resolutions as they are normally superficial. So this year, I’m trying something new. Creating a GOAL, HOPE, and DREAM for my 2019 year.

My 2019 GOAL is to start to begin my professional career and step away from jobs that just pay the bills.

My 2019 HOPE is that I can become a more understanding and patient person with everyone in my life.

My 2019 DREAM is that I have the means and opportunities to travel somewhere amazing this year.

Whats your GOAL, HOPE & DREAM?